Thursday, March 6, 2014

My Current Story

Alisia darted out from behind the stone wall. Running for your life is a lot of fun! She glared ahead at the end of the cobblestone street and then tripped her way into an alleyway.

So begins my current story that doesn't have a name.

I'm not even sure what the plot exactly yet, other than the fact that Alisia is MC #1 who is taking care of a baby that fell into her lap on her way to her doom and Avery is MC #2 who is the second in command on a ship taking a ship load of convicts to the coast of New Zealand to work off the sentences they were given.

I need to outline.

This is based off three pictures from Pinterest.


Setting: (New Zealand)

Saying: (using for Avery I think but I'm not sure yet)

So tell me what you think!


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